China Telecom is one of the main providers of telecommunications services in China. It was organized in three layers Corporate HQ, provincial companies and municipal offices. Zhejiang Corporation, one of 31 provincial China Telecom companies adopted enterprise software to combat the growing competition from wireless providers their fixed telephone line. This case is treated as a corporation Zhejiang centralized database and key operations to analyze data, create a semi-customized promotions, and get to the non-telephone services. Then, in May 2008, the Chinese government restructuring of the telecommunications industry, making China Telecom in the national carrier and removing the previous limits on its ability to provide mobile services. Now, China Telecom to offer a full-scale mobile service, he had to develop a new strategy to sell its portfolio of products. "Hide
on Seungjin Whang Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 13 pages. Publication Date: November 20, 2008. Prod. #: GS68-PDF-ENG