Workplace training and Learning Case Study Solution
The report illustrates the essence and importance of Organizational learning and training in an organization.It outlines, the business function and process that are in need to be transformed, I order to become adaptive to the external dynamic of the market.Since globalization has taken place and competition has increased in the market, the need to develop sustainable comparative edge has become important for the organization, which has strengthen the need to develop the learning framework in the organization.
Since organizational learning nurtures the leaders in the organizations, and invest in the professional skills of the employees, ithas become a vital role player in elevating the performance and productivity level of the organization which not only benefits the organization but also offers successful career to the individuals leading to the development of long term relationship between organization and the employee base.
Lastly, since competition is rising in the global markets, the sustaining competitive edge-human skills are the most regarded skills and resources that the organization are in need to invest in, due to its un-imitable nature.Hence to remain sustainable in market under ever increasing competition and technology, the model of learning and training is being practiced by the organization.
The term workplace training refers to the training learning carried out in an organization under job-trainings and under normal operational trainings. It outlines the basic training procedures that are part of the organizational learning, making the individual innovate in the organization while he is outside the domain of training in a closed room/environment.
Workplace training or learnings are basically seen as the key findings of the skills that lead the organization or employees to innovate and increase the capacity to change the conventional techniques in order to excel in the market and develop a competitive edge both internally and externally. According to (Figgis, 2003) the emergence of globalization and business integration over the regional boundaries has evolved the nature of product and services and has also revolutionized the way of communication and technologies required to do the businesses. Such changes have demanded the businesses to change and evolve the way of working in order to meet the market changes and hence established the need for continuous learning environment in order to remain adaptive to changes.
Workplace training and Learning Harvard Case Solution & AnalysisIn addition to this,these changes in global markets have established the need for skilled labor, that are adaptive to dynamics of the global market and are innovative to work, making them competitive in the markets and stimulating the right efforts to achieve the desired results.Also, these learnings and organizational trainings have been regarded as the factor of sustainable operations in the market.According to (Smith, 2002), due to the adaptive and learning environment in the organization, the emergence of innovative behavior allows the organization to sustain its position in the competitive markets and allow them to stay ahead of competition. He further emphasized that sustainability and learned organization atmosphere are directly proportional, since the intensity of competition and rivalry are increasing in the market, the factor of human learning and innovation creates a base for sustainability.
Perhaps, the workplace changes in the modern time are taken as the major driver of trainings and learnings in organization. It is due to these changes, that the organization has stared investing in human skills as a matter of improving the stance in global markets.According to (Smith, 2002), the environmental and moderating factors are affecting the level of training in the organization.They further proposed that the interaction between moderating factors and drivers to change determines the levels and type of training in the organization that could offer the competitive edge.
Importance of Training and Learnings in organization
Innovation is the key to organizational success. According to Common wealth Australia, innovation allows the organization to compete with the changing external trends and market evolution. It allows the organization in developing and continually growing its stance in the global markets making its sustainable and growing.According to the Commonwealth Australia, the success of an organization in the 21st century merely depends on the innovative capacity of nations, industries and education and research structure that acknowledges and adheres to the skill development process. (ANTA, 2003)
According to the particular research, the importance of innovation and learning curve in organization is strongly supported by the research anddevelopment, science and technology. For this, organization needs to invest in human resources and operations to align its offerings with the market changes and to incorporate the science andtechnological advancement in a direction of achieving innovative base and thussustainabilityand progressive position in the market.
Lastly, the paper concluded that the model of vocational learning can be utilized to assess the need for right training tools and skills development within the organization.It emphasized that VET training and models can be used commercially by the organization to assess or to understand the type of skills building in an organization that could allow it to leverage its resources and competitive skills in future for sustainability and long term successful operations.
While it has been developed that sustainability and organization learning are directly proposition, according to Cairney (2000), it is supported that many organizations focus on systematic innovation rather than radical innovation in the market and hence develop the skills and learning structures accordingly.In most of the cases, these changes or learnings are based on the improvements in the existing business system and models, rather than innovating ina radical way, thus accepting change throughout the organization………………..
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