Several members of the team (MTM) is a reality in today's workplace, the high cost of lending staff expertise in different project teams. An estimated 65 percent of knowledge workers in the United States and Europe, for example, to participate in MTM to some extent. But what is the effect of MTM performance and instruction for individuals, groups and, in the end, organizations? According to the authors, the three mediators - the context switch time offset within the organization connect - influence the distribution of attention and the flow of information at the individual, team and organizational levels, respectively. Understanding the role each plays a very important for the success of the project and avoid burnout employees. The authors suggest that MTM has an inverted U-shaped effect on all three levels - that is, there comes a time when the benefits of MTM tip more in costs. Moderation is the key for managers hoping to strengthen the effectiveness of MTM in their organizations. "Hide
by Michael O'Leary, All Mortensen, Anita Williams Woolley Source: IESE-Insight Magazine 7 pages. Publication Date: September 15, 2010. Prod. #: IIR035-PDF-ENG