After more than 10 years, women's savings cooperatives (ITC) in a poor Karimnagar and Warangal districts of Andhra Pradesh established part of the lives of its women members. As such, they present opportunities and challenges for women and non-governmental organizations, joint development fund (CDF), which sowed the seeds for growth and has since supported technical assistance. Cooperatives are savings institutions, which also lend money to their members, and they rely solely on the difference between the interest they pay on savings and interest they earn on their loans to support their operations. In recent years, the use of fund savings decreased, which led to some concern about their financial stability. CDF members and trying to do something about it, since the dairy cooperative to sell milk in the city of Warangal - women will use the proceeds of the loans from the savings to finance their purchases of milk. There is also concern that the practice of saving 'accounting concealed loans default, resulting in overly rosy financial picture. CDF and management of cooperatives should work, how to recognize the loss of savings, which by default are undermining confidence in savings. And, finally, there is pressure on the CDF management to yourself to relax its rules to savings freely accepted, which prohibits the leadership vote. Savings have provided fertile ground for the training of women to participate in the public life of the village, and they are now in demand as political candidates, given the early 1990s, the Indian constitutional amendments, which set aside a third of local council seats for women. HKS Case Number 1656.0 "Hide
Guy Stuart on 31 pages. Publication Date: July 1, 2002. Prod. #: HKS076-PDF-ENG