This case looks like a new player in the market is dominated by three established Employees can win customer support. Wind Mobile, a new participant in the Canadian telecommunications industry, not only to compete with rivals Bell Canada Enterprises Inc, Rogers Communications and Telus Corp., but also poses the Canadian rules on foreign ownership. Although the regulatory body, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), ruled that the wind is not controlled by the Canadian Conservative government of the day is supported by the company and market liberalization. Contradictory positions of important regulatory players leaves considerable confusion in the law Wind compete. In addition to his legal problems, wind should provide customers and takes an aggressive stance against the incumbents, who deploy various tactics, including fighter brand and long-term contracts in order to maintain their customer base. "Hide
by Neil Bendle, Janice Wong Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 10 pages. Publication Date: November 27, 2012. Prod. #: W12341-PDF-ENG