Why Every Project Needs a Brand (and How to Create One) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

In a competitive environment is growing tougher, project managers need to sequence, time and formulate key messages about their projects in the same marketing manager will organize external customer branding efforts for the promotion of products and services. And therein lies the opportunity, the brand of your projects in order to gain an advantage in obtaining funding and the best staff. Just as product branding creates and maintains an awareness in the minds of the external value of the company's clients, shareholders and constituents, brand thinking may authorize the head of a project to develop a strategically timed messages to create visibility and collaboration among key objectives. Depending on the stage of the project, different audiences brand project may include senior business executives, project sponsors, and team members with a primary loyalty to the vertical features, and a network of partners external to the home organization. Savvy leader of the project will ensure that all parties, up, down, across, and outside the organization to understand, assimilate and adopt the brand promise of the project, agree on the objectives and use the continued support of the initiative upon its completion. "Hide
by Karen A. Brown, Richard Ettenson, Nancy L. Hyer Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 8 pages. Publication Date: July 1, 2011. Prod. #: SMR394-PDF-ENG

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