What Successful Project Managers Do Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Discuss the four roles of the Project Manager
Developing Collaboration
Project management is considered as an art of collaboration and as a project manager, you have to be a team player, mediator and a leader to execute all the projects successfully.Since thesuccessful execution of project depends upon the contribution of individuals that represent different profession and different disciplines, collaboration is avery crucial factor in thedetection of the problem, quick development and implantation of solutions.(Fitzell, 1970)
To develop collaboration, project managers need to do following things;
Do not command, lead and mediate
A project manager carries more responsibility, rather than giving commands to the teammates, theproject manager should manage the teams who have different tasks to do,and should ensure collaboration between different teams who are working on different tasks.(Grills, 2017)
Use project management tools
To ensure the collaboration between the different teams, theproject manager should use project management software. By using the project management software, theproject manager can distribute tasks and establish the project milestones. Through that software, theproject manager can communicate and brainstorm with the co-workers and that software can be used for data storage. (Grills, 2017)
Collaboration requires an open communication between all the employees working on the specific project.Communication with the employees would help the project manager in thedetection of the problems, choosing the best alternative and implementation of the solutions.
In successful execution of the project, theproject manager must have an open communication with everyone involved in the project.
The project manager has to check up on each project’s progress in order to ensure that project is running well and it would complete on time.
What Successful Project Managers Do Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
He/she has to check if everything is going as planned or if any team has met with some difficulties and he can act accordingly. (Grills, 2017)
Integrate Planning and Review with Learning
Successful project managers do not limit the learning process, they learn from the mistakes and apply new methodologies in the new projects. If one project did not go well then rather than blaming employees that they did not work well and because of them the project did not go well, successful project managers try to identify the mistakes and they ensure that those mistakes will not reoccur in future projects.
For example; because of any unexpected external factor, theproject did not complete on time, now in future projects, managers will plan to deal with that factor. This is how they learn from the mistakes and prevent an unexpected event from reoccurring.
For the team members to learn, theproject manager must create, share and apply knowledge in their processes. Team members learn new knowledge by being involved in a learning experience.
Learning by doing occurs when project manager associates plans and actions with results to establish the procedures to avoid negative result and achieve the positive result.(Laufer, 2015)
Prevent Major Disruptions:
The characteristic that differs great project managers from good ones is that they prevent disruptions. Even when everything is going smoothly, they keep on looking for disruptions and are self-prepared for any surprise that may come in their way and react proactively.......

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