This article analyzes difference between business school focus and business community demands. A comprehensive fitting of these post-graduation abilities with pre-graduation business major tracks is supplied herein to assist schools in better aligning programs with job demands.
This aligning and matching process is proposed as a key means for reducing difference between post-graduation permits/certification/skills required and the academic tracks that are feeders for such places. Evaluation of 200 résumés of business students nearing graduation revealed low to no ability on the job description- derived skill sets. This finding indicates that difference between school of business focus and professional needs is continuing and potentially problematic at the associations sampled.
A content analysis of 100 school of business class syllabi and 20 textbooks supported this decision. This article provides suggestions for closing the gap between business school curricula as well as corporate needs. The old business school is compared to our vision of the new business school alignment of pre-graduation training with post-graduation job demands serves both professionals and students well.
What are Business Schools Doing for Business Today Case Study Solution
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