West Jet Airlines: Information Technology Governance and Corporate Strategy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

West Jet Airlines: Information Technology Governance and Corporate Strategy

Situation Analysis:

Cheryl Smith, the newly appointed executive vice president and Chief Information Officer (CIO) has proposed the IT governance model within the West Jet. Cheryl was facing dilemma regarding the response from the IT staff and the top management of the West Jet as the senior management has expected quick response from Smith.On the other hand, the senior IT staff, some of whom are working with the company since the beginning, considered the proposed IT governance model as not well advised and unworkable.

Smith has seen the IT governance model as an opportunity for the West Jet airline and will help it to get significant competitive advantage in the future after the implementation of this IT governance model. Her first priority was to restructure the IT structure in the company, make the IT with parallel to the corporate goals, make change sin the IT budgeting and planning, and make the company’s IT in accordance with the business needs.


  1. Will the proposed IT governance model help the company to grow in the future?

The management of West Jet will need argument from Smith that what level of the growth airline company will achieve if the model is approved for implementation. This will require Smith to quantify its assumptions and projections.

  1. What level of competitive advantage the company will get from the model?

This will show whether the primary target of the management of the company to provide innovative guest services has been fulfilled by the IT governance model. If the old senior staff of IT becomeshonestand the model fails to attain the competitive advantage, then there will be heavy loss of funds and time of the company.

  1. How the senior IT staff will react if the approval has been taken by Smith?

The current IT structure of the company is formulated by the senior IT staffas they are opposing the proposed IT governance model. According to the senior staff, the model is unworkable and ill advised...............


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