IMD-3-1573 © 2005
Fischer, William A.; Chung, Rebecca
Participants are motivated to discuss ideas and their own experience during the discussion. With the supplementary slides on "what happened in reality" shown in the teaching note; and a video featuring Simpson; the instructor can show participants how these problems were dealt with.
Participants will have the aptitude to distinguish the challenges of Simpson originating from the cultural differences between the Chinese and Western sides; and the difference between the mindsets and behaviors developed in the Chinese SOE environment and those developed in international businesses. They'll also comprehend Simpson's purpose had expanded in this dynamic China market. This case series was the 2005 EFMD award winner in the group “Coming Chinese Global Competitions”.
Wendy Simpson In China (B) (Overhead Case) Case Study Solution
Subjects: China; Joint venture; International business; Women executives; Leadership; Partnerships; Growth management; Change management; Emerging markets; Globalization
Settings: China; Hi-Tech; Hi-Technology; Employees: 6;000 in China; 100;000 worldwide; 1997-2004