Website Development Project Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


A crucial and time framed web development project has been assigned to us by the This website will be reflecting a mere image of the organization and a live feed for the current stock market positions for various stocks in selected indexes hence providing a huge feed to thousands of various types of customers. The project goal is to deliver a full functioning website which will be used by company employees and suppliers of information and customers to excess live feeds and give their own feedbacks. The budgeted cost of this project has been broken down into different parts and the overall leads to $650,000. Against this cost company will still be in benefit because it will help create more customers and absorb more business from the existing users. Assessment found that there can a few key components that can influence the timeline, cost structure and the overall schedule of the project. After assessment comes the monitoring risk and taking actions according to it. If anything goes south, taking corrective actions and implementing the correct strategy at the moment is the crucial task.

Website Development Project Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Overview of the Project

A crucial and time framed web development project has been assigned to us by the This website will be reflecting a mere image of the organization and a live feed for the current stock market positions for various stocks in a selecting indexes hence providing a huge feed to thousands of various types of customers. This website will provide current market situation and help overcome different challenges for day to day customers by providing timely data and accepting different queries and instant solution to those queries. (Bjarne, 2008)

This website would play a vital role in overcoming day to day problems of clients by working as an intermediary between client and the company. Information and marketing for different financial products and information for different markets and indexes and theirrelated constituents. This project will be completed in a time frame of six weeks. The budget for this project has been estimated to $900,000 and the recognition would be done on the basis of contract completion method.

Our objective is to complete this project within a given time period and budget. Also to provide such a website that willfulfill all the needs mentioned by the company and to contribute in solving challenging problems of thousands of people through this project.

Websites of companies like Taurus securities or topline securities or any other financial security firm or brokerage firms are a perfect example.


Project Scope

The project goal is to deliver a full functioning website which will be used by company employees and suppliers of information and customers to excess live feeds and give their own feedbacks with problems which they might have and get instant solutions for those problems.

Key features include

  • Live feed of stock price and analyst feedbacks for the customers and general public.
  • Information about the company and its various financial products.
  • An easy access for people to become customers and regular users of company’s products through online registration and accounts with an extra value addition through quick access from mobile applications.

Development will start from the 1st of January 2018 to 12thFebruary 2018 making it a six-week project.The cost distribution and details sum up to $650,000 will be defined in the further sections................

This is just a sample partical work. Please place the order on the website to get your own originally done case solution.

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