Web Analytics at Quality Alloys Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Web Analytics at Quality Alloys Case Study Solution

Analysis of distribution of the pounds sold data with that of the daily visit data.

The distribution of pounds sold data and daily visit data are compared. The distribution of pounds sold data follows empirical rule better because 99% of its actual values fall within 3 standard deviation of the mean. However only 98% of daily visit data falls within 3 standard deviation of mean. Histogram results indicate that visits are not Normal. Z scores indicate that more data clustered around center than Norman and more data at far right than at far left. The data is skewed positive with positive kurtosis.

Main Conclusions

Figure 10 A of traffic sources indicates that referring sites have more weight age as compared to others. If search engine source is analyzed then Google is on the top. Windows is top operating system among all. If all top ten referring sites are taken into account then the visits would sum to 38,754. South America is top on geographical sources which are followed by North America (Figure 10e).


QA Inc. wants to come out from the traditional style of marketing and has developed their own website to gather larger orders from old and newer customers. The data reveals that the company has seen a high variability in number of website visits from May, 2008 to August 2009. The overall average of 150 daily visits doesn’t gives the clear picture as the data is non-symmetrical and website saw daily visits of 75-100 visits per day in majority of days throughout the year.

It is recommended that the company must have data of more than a year to have a much clear picture. Apart from this, the company must have the data of daily visits against the date. Like this, it would be possible for the firm that which particular day saw low daily visits and on which date there were higher number of visitors. By doing this, they would know what they should do to boost the number of visits. Furthermore, the company should use different strategies to attract greater number of visitors per day. They could also enhance the company’s digital marketing department so that more customers could flock to the website.


Figure 1a

Figure 1b

Figure 1c


Figure 1d

Figure 1e


Figure 2a

Initial Period
Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
mean 1,055 976 $608,250 $200,233 18,737
median 899 846 $586,170 $208,913 17,270
std. dev. 355.03 319.60 $155,930 $60,692 5,427.39
min 626 594 $274,568 $62,580 8,633
max 1,632 1,509 $890,077 $275,218 28,053
  Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
mean 563 517 $534,314 $159,932 18,441
median 558 510 $534,542 $152,476 17,215
std. dev. 80.87 70.94 $150,503 $42,683 5,965.63
min 383 366 $315,647 $100,388 8,992
max 795 734 $951,216 $273,175 31,969
  Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
mean 1,814 1,739 $456,399 $131,930 17,113
median 1,663 1,585 $413,937 $114,328 17,299
std. dev. 758.10 743.03 $161,741 $47,777 6,519.07
min 1,000 930 $268,160 $81,841 7,814
max 3,726 3,617 $897,164 $266,477 31,496
  Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
mean 857 801 $371,728 $111,046 14,578
median 848 800 $348,397 $104,530 13,647
std. dev. 70.89 72.36 $145,728 $49,065 5,941.56
min 772 709 $133,967 $32,825 3,826
max 963 912 $615,950 $206,441 23,762


Figure 3a

Period Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
Initial 1,055 976 608,250 200,233 18,737
Pre-Promotion 563 517 534,314 159,932 18,441
Promotion 1,814 1,739 456,399 131,930 17,113
Post-Promotion 857 801 371,728 111,046 14,578


Figure 5a

correlation (rev, lbs. sold) 0.8689


Figure 6a

correlation (revenue, visits) -0.0594
(effectively zero)    

Figure 8a

Lbs. Sold
Mean 18,681.56
Standard Error 401.69
Median 17,673.00
Mode 28,865.00
Standard Deviation 6,840.51
Sample Variance 46,792,548.87
Kurtosis 0.5637
Skewness 0.6323
Range 40,914
Minimum 3,826
Maximum 44,740
Sum 5,417,651
Count 290

Figure 8b

Figure 10a


Figure 10b

Figure 10c


Figure 10d

Figure 10e

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