A German expatriate had moved to China in year 2005 to take up a merchandise position at the Wal Mart China headquarters in Shenzen. By 2008 he had been promoted to the new position of senior director for sustainability for Wal-Mart China (retail) and Global Procurement. His new position demanded that he direct the rapidly-approaching inaugural Walmart Sustainability Summit.
Wal-Mart China Sustainable Operations Strategy Case Study Solution
The case describe Wal-Mart China's operations (including purchasing, distribution and retail) in the context of the corporation's want to improve sustainability in a style appropriate to China. The immediate dilemma would be to identify opportunities to enhance the sustainability of Wal-Mart China's distribution systems and retail businesses.
PUBLICATION DATE: January 21, 2009 PRODUCT #: 908D09-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is aboutĀ GLOBAL BUSINESS