Vitus Healthcare Case Solution
As per Vitas Healthcare’s website (2021); it has 4 main values. First is that “patients and families come first, which can be observed in the services which Vitas provides to patients and their families by prioritizing them above everything else. Second: “we take care of each other” I’m not sure how you can prove this, but it seems to be a great idea as taking care of each other within an organization helps in building stronger bonds and keeping the employees happier in being associated with the organization. Third: “I’ll do my best today and do even better tomorrow”. I believe this is what it means to try your hardest and learn from your mistakes, a great concept that many people have strayed from. It can help in building resilience. Lastly: “I am proud to make a difference.” This fits Vitas just as much as the first value.You have to love what you do when it comes to taking care with a dying patient, as by doing so you are not only making a difference in the patients and their families’ lives but you are also making a difference in the medical field by providing much more than just conventional healthcare facilities.
MVV: Conclusion
Having worked with Vita's employees in the past and now being an employee there, I feel that its mission, vision, and values do fit the company. It was founded by people with similar values to those which the company currently holds now, and when it hires new employees; it tries to ingrain what it means to be a Vitas Healthcare employee and to hold its mission, vision and values.
Situational analysis
Vitas Healthcare has many strengths that continue to help it in being successful. Vitas (2021) states that it offers 24/7 tele-care services as a way to reassure its clients with a direct line to medical advice, support and hands-on care, at any time of day or night. Vitas also offers its employees with substantial financial and health benefits from medical plans, dental plans, vision and life insurance, 401k plans and even cancer/critical illness coverage. (Vitas, 2021) The organization has been shown to deliver an excellent end-of-life care, which makes it the industry leader in hospice and palliative care. The most important strength of the organization is its ability to impart the values to their employees and implement its MVV across the organization effectively.
Weaknesses are the capabilities or the factors that are lacked by Vitas healthcare organization. These factors comprise of different financial and physical resources. These resources include human, land and building resources.There are few areas where Vitas healthcare is lacking and these factors need to be resolved with great consideration in order to avoid the future mishaps. These factors include the organizational culture. Vitas needs to reorganize its culture which is still dominated by Turf wars within its different sectors, which can lead the organization towards missing various opportunities in future. Another factor that vitas is lacking is talent in specialized fields, such as: digital and technological fields.
Vitas also has less workforce diversity which inhibits it from expanding its growth in the future.
Opportunities are the potentials that can either be ignored or utilized by the organization to propose its future growth and market expansion. These can be driven by certain factors, such as: changes in customers’ preferences, increased market forces, technology advancement and changes in political and technological factors.
From last few decades; the market size seems to be expanding than it had ever before. The inflow of a large number of customers has opened a great door of opportunities for several organizations. To avail such opportunities;the organization needs to cater to the existing customers and should find every possible way to attract the new customers.
Another opportunity that Vitas can avail is the expansion of its services in the international market. In addition to this, Vitas needs to increase its standardization by focusing on its services that are frequently demanded and used by its customers in order to have a greater market preference.
Threats are the environmental factors that pose extreme danger and inhibition to any business. These could take place due to either policy changes, changes in customer preferences, technological advancement or an increase in the customers’ disposal income.
An increase in the bargaining power has led the company to decrease its prices, which has been decreasing the profits because of certain factors. The customers always want the best quality product and services at reasonable prices, which is not always possible. The organization needs to design itself systematically in such a way that fulfills its customers’ requirements and demands.
Additionally,Vitas needs to look into the consequent changes in government policies and rules and regulations and should perform accordingly.
Vitas healthcare also needs to focus on geopolitical factors to focus on integral events and include it in its strategy making.
SWOT: Conclusion
Every organization has to look up to and evaluate its possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Vitas hospice can use the strength to create a worthy position in the market and work hard to reduce any weaknesses that may arise within the organization, to compete and hold the safest position in the market. Vitas needs to keep an eye on all the policies and organizational factors that may consequently change, in order to avail those opportunities and perform accordingly. (See Appendix A)
Organizational Factors
Few factors influence the overall quality of healthcare, which include: payment reductions, regulations and rules of the organizations. Healthcare regulation-scan create a system more costly, less flexible and less free.
Externally Vitas is working hard to search for new additions to help it in achieving its market goals.A few facts regarding Vitas healthcare organization include:
- It has 289 patient care teams running actively throughout the country.
- It has 2,744 skilled nursing facilities across the nation.
- It has a total of 34 inpatient hospice units that are providing 24 hours services.
- Approximately 10.2 million genuine charity is provided to hospice patients nationwide.
The external environment may cause the company to face certain challenges, but they also provide opportunities. To stay ahead of competitors; the company needs to focus on its services and should try to expand its services.(Mikki, 2017).......................
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