Valley Systems (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

In Part A, a computer hardware firm which makes high performance internetworking systems, Valley Systems, was six months post-IPO and fighting to make their quarterly earnings. The students are asked to discover what they would do in the situation of Tucker and discuss the implications of their conclusion on workers, investors and the business.

Component B discloses that his team and Tucker did determine to correct their delivery program to meet with their amounts. Two quarters later, the business is in exactly the same plight-they were nearly sure to lose their numbers resulting in high investor nervousness and low worker morale. Tucker is confronted with the inquiry of how to best handle the situation. He contemplates the alternative of optimizing the merchandise delivery program based on merchandise mix and profit margin. Students are requested to decide whether this "schedule optimization" strategy is good business or earnings manipulation as well as to consider the implications on sales reps and the overall wellbeing of the business.



This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE

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