National economic impact of rising health care costs have been poorly understood, like the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom instituted reforms in early 2010. Presenting opportunities for cross-national policy learning, this case describes the political economy of health care reform. At the end of March 2010, the Basic Law on health care reform was signed into law in the United States, coverage and regulation of insurers. However, it was not clear that the expansion of coverage to resolve a long-standing dilemma of rising costs for insurance and assistance. As the Department of Health and Human Services is a new law, it relied on the lessons learned from Germany, which has modified the regulated but competitive insurance and provider markets, and the United Kingdom, which introduced market-style initiatives, while maintaining insurance and delivery within the National Health Service. "Hide
by Arthur A. Daemmrich, Elia Cameron Source: Harvard Business School 30 pages. Publication Date: February 26, 2010. Prod. #: 710040-PDF-ENG