Some companies are beginning to understand that the astonishing borders they once enjoyed are being eroded, while China remains the world's factory. Why? The increasing prices of raw materials and job just partially explain why an increasing variety of firms are choosing to bring back all of the production or part they had formerly outsourced to China. Furthermore, the disjointed and ineffective supply chain among China and Europe is the bigger culprit.
A study undertaken by the Port of Barcelona Chair of Logistics in the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai assessed the roles and connections between all the key agents and actors in this strategically important supply chain. This post highlights which aspects could be made better, in order for business people doing commerce with China to reap the benefits minus the headaches, as well as the writers recommend approaches to enhance efficiency.
Untangling the Knots in the New Silk Route Case Study Solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about TECHNOLOGY & OPERATIONS