University Of Wyoming Basketball Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

University Of Wyoming Basketball The case solution  

The statistical technique known as regression is used to forecast ticket and concession sales. The coefficient of ticket sales is 27 %, which implies that the value of ticket sales, is an independent factor, and it tends to increase since the coefficient of prediction is positive. If ticket sales increase by one unit, revenue will increase by 27%. On the other side, the multiple R-values for ticket sales are much lower than those for concession sales, at 65 percent, indicating that the data is fitted to the regression line to a degree of 65 percent.The results are given bellow in appendix.

Model 2: Predicting Revenue Concession:

Forecasting revenue concession would enable the company to identify the projected sources of revenue depending on the fixed number of tickets sold in this method, where it is also assessed that the independent variable, in this case, is the actual tickets sold. As a result, based on the actual number, the sports planning board would be able to detect the changing patterns of concession revenue over time. Furthermore, the findings show that the model produces the same R-square value as model 1, indicating that R-square represents the cross-relationship between the parameters.

The standard error, on the other extreme, has a greater value, showing that the risk connected with the pattern of income is extremely high, suggesting that if the tickets are sold at the least cost and the income; the total sum will not be subject to the commercial activities' objectives. Since a consequence, the Sports Planning Committee should pay more attention to revenue fluctuations rather than ticket booking, as this displays wider gaps in the evolution of results, which appears to have a negative influence on the overall budgetary performance.

In the contrast, the concession sales coefficient is 74%, which implies that increasing the concession sales with one-unit results in a 74% increase in income. Furthermore, the linear association is significant for concession sales, as evidenced by the Multiple R-values, i.e., 97 percent or the information is 97 percent fitted to the regression line. The results are given bellow in appendix.

Simulation Model:

The variables used include tournaments, days, and winning percentage. The simulation model helps determine the overall revenue of the 16 games played in a single session. Management makes it easier and easier to forecast revenue and forecast multiple replications.

The rate of return is selected as the most important variable in the simulation model. The model also considers unit prices and fixed costs. In addition, the average winning quota is calculated, which is the average of the previous year's single-game tickets, or 1,060.

The simulation model is applied by averaging the rates of return for the four seasons. The ticket price is $ 12. Random numbers are used in 16 game seasons, and revenue per game is calculated from the price of tickets and the number of tickets sold. This brings revenue for the 16-game season to $ 204,012.The results are given bellow in appendix.

Sparks’ Projection for the Upcoming Season is 0.5

It makes sense to calculate revenue over 100 simulation seasons using a 50%-win rate. Analyzing revenue based on 100 seasons, you can see that the team's revenue is based on its performance. The team is expected to perform very well throughout the season, increasing the demand for tickets. This will bring revenue to the track and field department or university by raising the price of the ticket.

Previous Date 16 game season dates fall into two categories. NS. Conference and non-conference. Use a simulation formula to calculate the number of tickets sold in and out of the conference and multiply by the price of the tickets to get revenue. The average revenue for the simulated 100 seasons is $ 199,901.76. The simulation data for 100 seasons can be displayed as an Excel file. In addition, the standard deviation of revenue for the simulated 100 seasons is $ 34,166.54, while the bottom 10% of revenue is after the value of $ 199,901.76.The results are given bellow in appendix.

A Random Win Percentage:

The revenue generation process was determined for different seasons using simulation models. 2006 and 2007. The team's profit share was 0.619 in 2007 and 2008. It was 0.4, 0.643 in 2008 and 2009, and between 2009 and 2010. The winning percentage was 0.323...................

University Of Wyoming Basketball The case solution

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