It took Uniglo the time of merely 20 years to become the leading quick- fashion retailer in Japan and a powerful player in other Asian countries like China, Korea and Taiwan. Essential to Uniqlo's strategy and success was an agile supply chain inspired by the "quick-fashion" model pioneered by Inditex and additionally utilized by H&M, the two largest fashion retailers in the world. While Uniqlo demanded competitive costs from its providers, additionally, it offered them supported them with a high flow of orders, and frequent technical assistance in developing and perfecting their manufacturing techniques.
Nineteen ninety-eight was an important year for Uniqlo, as the brand was projected by the opening of a flagship store in among the most popular trend districts of Tokyo in Japan at a national level. At product level, a partnership with Toray, among the world's top manufacturers of synthetic and composite fibers, resulted in garments that had operation and properties no natural material could match. Working with Toray compelled Uniqlo to refine its supply chain further, that became "just in time," mimicking that of other highly competitive Japanese firms. Uniqlo's supply chain had not proved ineffective in the Asia Pacific region, but could the same model be scaled globally? Was the low growth rate Uniqlo experienced due to the constraints of its current supply chain in the US, and particularly Europe, also?
This is just an excerpt. This case is about GLOBAL BUSINESS