Unilever in Brazil 1997-2007: Marketing Strategies for Low-Income Consumers Case Solution
"Unilever is a strong leader in the Brazilian detergent powder marketplace with an 81% market share.” Laercio Cardoso must determine (1) Whether Unilever should divert cash from its premium brands to target the lower-margin section of low income consumers, (2) Whether Unilever can reposition or expand one of its existing brands to prevent starting a fresh brand, and (3) What cost, merchandise, promotion, and distribution strategy would enable Unilever to deliver value to low income consumers without cannibalizing its own premium brands too greatly. Teachers can get video interviews with the supervisors mentioned in the case, television advertisements, and PowerPoint presentations to be used in the classroom or as handouts on the committed case site http://cases.insead.edu/unilever/ (copy and paste the URL into a browser) using the login and password mentioned in the teaching note.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING
PUBLICATION DATE: February 01, 2004