Scholars and practitioners, so arguing about the Internet brings a revolutionary change in the basic way we do business, or is it simply provides a new channel of distribution and communication. Regardless of the answer to this question is the debate, one thing is certain: The Internet provides managers with a huge amount of customer information that was previously unavailable. Thus, a new struggle was to manage this information and use it effectively and accurately to the best customers, trends and performance. However, the volume of data overwhelmed by the many e-commerce managers. As a result, e-commerce managers focused on the aggregate level, summary statistics, and not making full use of their data. The use of public data route, this article discusses the advantages of separating the individual customer purchasing behavior in a simple model of visits and shopping conversion. This analysis allows the buying process more carefully examine the relationship between store visits and purchase behavior. "Hide
by Wendy W. Moe, Peter S. Fader Source: California Management Review 13 pages. Publication Date: July 1, 2001. Prod. #: CMR210-PDF-ENG