In October 2002, senior officers of the Investment Global Asset UBS AG Management (GAM) division, the largest asset management firm in the world, must decide whether to issue new quantitative investment product that will stand in stark contrast to the SMC historically fundamentalist and style values approach. The problem raises thorny questions about the strategic evolution of the industry, its products, and in particular, its leading companies. For some, the company seemed to be the new "Quantum" product was a natural extension of the strategic transformation of GAM since 1995. But others in the senior team wondered whether the market is ready for this product. Challenges for students is to compare changes in the industry, to evaluate transform UBS, and to evaluate the fit of the new product with a quantum strategic approach of the company. This case was prepared to meet the following learning objectives: 1) Assess the pace, direction, and the effects of globalization in the field of asset management. The key to the evaluation of new research on the relative importance of countries than in the sectors in explaining the return on investment on a global scale, and 2) Explore the "country / sector" organizational structure for global studies, to determine its characteristics. Compare this with other possible structures. Identify your strengths and weaknesses as an organization system. To identify the key success factors. And 3) evaluation of quantitative investment product compared to other product offerings.
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by Robert F. Bruner, Craig Ruff Source: Darden School of Business 25 pages. Publication Date: August 12, 2003. Prod. #: UV0470-PDF-ENG