The technologies, the performance of businesses and the stock market during the 1929 Great Crash and the Great Depression of the 1930s. 1920 was a remarkable period of technological progress was a strong run-up in stock market prices. The company has invested heavily in R & D and human capital, while the mass production and scientific management have been widely adopted. Tells the story of the 1920s and 1930s to life Irving Fisher, leading academic, investor, technology, and market commentators, who argued that innovation is driving the share price higher. Analyzes why Fischer believes that the high level of the stock market was acquitted, and his explanation of why the stock market collapsed. Further study of the 1930s, marked by mass unemployment and social upheaval, with one hand, and entrepreneurship and innovation on the other. Views Fisher provides a channel for the study of the dynamics of the stock market and the behavior of economic performance during one of the most significant periods in American economic and financial history. "Hide
by Tom Nicholas Source: Harvard Business School 18 pages. Publication Date: August 28, 2007. Prod. #: 808067-PDF-ENG