By 2010, it was TripAdvisor largest website in the world, operating in 24 countries and 16 languages, classifieds 455,000 hotels, attractions and 564,000 92,000 restaurants in more than 71,000 destinations worldwide. He had more than 40 million reviews from 35 million unique monthly visitors, who contribute 21 new reviews every minute. Known for its reviews, TA expanded in flight, rental and international markets, such as China. Each of these ways of expanding a unique opportunity, as well as new challenges. In August 2010, Stephen Kaufer, CEO, discusses how the priority of its growth plans for the company. "Hide
by Sunil Gupta, Kerry Herman Source: Supplement 14 minutes of video. Publication Date: December 1, 2011. Prod. #: 512702-VID-ENG