Tribal Sovereignty Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Tribal Sovereignty Case Solution

Helping American Indian

The most important thing to know is that INDIANS youth are opposite. They are like everyone else-young, in a system and total human beings - not a single general event of being local Man, though many INDIANS teen agers will share an ordinary experience.INDIAN Steen angers are members or descendants of more than 568 ethnic groups with ancestral lands across the North American continent, from the Inupiat Arctic Slope Community in Alaska to the Florida Seminole Tribe, Pentecost Nation in Maine to Lummi Nation in Washington State. Far from the monolithic image of the natives that is often displayed in the media and popular culture, this represents a rich cultural diversity.(Meza, 2015)Because of the impact of colonialism, ancestral displacement, cultural oppression, and other things,the experiences of modern Aborigines are also different. Those who serve INDIANS youth should know the following:

  • Not all people who identify as INDIANS live in or near the area.
  • Not all people who identify as AI / N are registered in a known nation or nation.
  • Some people who identify as INDIANS will have limited or no contact with their INDIAN Sheritage and customs.
  • Some people who identify as INDIANS are people of many races.
  • Not all people who identify as INDIANS can be easily identified by their physical appearance.
  • INDIANS ownership is made up of many complex social, political, historical and cultural elements.

In addition, there are consistent and widespread myths on the media,social interaction, as well as popular culture, leading to ideas for INDIANS youth. These-myths and superstitions have certainly been found where public education can be done.

For example, the common belief that most INDIANS people are alcoholics. While many INDIANS communities are irreversibly affected by alcoholism, this stereotype has no context. Many Aborigines people live in an environment of racism and colonialism, which creates living conditions for the naked-extreme poverty, lack of economic opportunities, and easy access to drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy foods,while we have very limited access to healthy food, clean water, and adequate health care.

Consequences of Tribal Sovereignty

However, the consequences came that tribes may become sovereign but they have authority of sovereignty. The Supreme Court recently announced that the benefits should be provided to the tribes for their sovereignty and they must be given the authority to impose their laws in their majority areas. (Ford, 2010).However, there are still problems because of US government which does not let the tribes to enforce their laws. Although, the Indian tribes have their own laws in the USA and they follow them, which is made by the federal Indian Civil Rights Act.

There are, in fact, law enforcement problems in place - just as there are law enforcement problems in communities of Non-Indians around the US statistics of crime in various designated areas, in fact, depressing and murder rates for example, equal access to the most violent US cities, 51 statistics of unemployed state governments, however, are a real mistake. With regard to India Country, law enforcement problems lead to the combined failures of government, country and race while national governments have the power to deal with minor Indian and Indian cases, provinces have jurisdiction in Indian cases. Non-Indians, government of provisional over criminal cases involving Indians and non-Indians, and serious cases (such as murder) involving Indians only. (Artist, 2004). The nations themselves are run by the own constitutions and principles and also the Indian Human rights acts. The tribes have no criminal power over the Indians or anything and the criminal power of the nation over its members is imprisoned for one year; arrested people have rights to a habeas corpus resolution in an organizational court. (Hanson, 2004)


The study encompasses about the tribal sovereignty in the USA where the Indian tribes are still struggling for their sovereignty and the liberty. From the past years it has been analyzed that continuous struggle and efforts made them to be liberal and impose their laws but still there are some areas where they are not even given the rights to live freely. The laws are made by the US government, which do not let other tribes to be independent and make their decisions in the political aspects. Indians are thought to be tax-exempt, country or state. The most important thing is Government supports Indians sometimes socially in workplace and gives them relaxation by giving tax benefits.

Even with the advent of sports, which is very advanced the economic status of a small number compared to the 560+ nationally recognized nationals nations, seen as a form of economic aid provided by the federal dispensation of “Special rights” for Indians.

However, the current scenario describes that national tribes do not pay state or corporate taxes on salaries from government activities, such as the revenue of a national government gaming business. Therefore, states are similar to the provinces in that, California does not pay taxes neighboring countries, nations, or a provincial government on the income of its province. State-owned enterprise (i.e., Lotto). Under IGRA, however, it is common compact conditions require states to pay in lieu of taxes, which obviously compensates the situation with any responsibility placed on the national activities of the gaming business or enthusiasts. These payments are called "donations”. Apart from the positive contribution to the economic situation brought about by gaming play nations and who the state's choice policies have brought to the nations, develop the ability to successfully govern them. While times of choice we have made progress, 69 Indian countries still have a long way to go in terms of their economies development.................................

Tribal Sovereignty Case Solution

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