Tough guy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Tough guy Case Study Solution 


This case study revolves around the vice president Chip Mazey, of Hudson Smith Gordon, an investment bank in New York. The case basically illustrates, his behavior and leadership style with the peers and subordinates. Working dimensions with him and the difficulties, humiliation faced and felt by the employees and subordinate.To him and the workers having a direct association with him. The strategy he applied in leading and managing the team of workers and also his ruthless, carefree behavior in dealing with the concerned authorities.

The scenario of the case:

The deal has been signed by the Hudson Bank, which is headed by Chip Mazey, and Frazer was appointed to work subordinate to him. The reputation of Chip, as described in the case was so nasty and intolerable. Frazer was so excited about the assignment before he came to know about the behavior of the VC with his subordinates, as the time passes it becomes difficult for the team to work with such a weird leader.It was the time, when the team needs to talk about the non-professional behavior of many with his competent team.

Problems/dilemmas of the case: 

The problem of the case is dealing with the authoritative style of Mazey, to run the matters and to deal with the associates and subordinates. The point to put attention here is that, the behavior he portrays is not just only authoritative, but humiliating and aggressive for the workers as well.

Tough guy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

VC is portraying being ruthless and carefree all the time, without considering the possible consequences of his behavior on subordinates and the results for the bank as well. He used verbal abuse with his workers, without any shame making people bad about their work. Moreover, his personal attacks on the subordinates and those people coming from poor backgrounds, his nasty attitude made it heart-wrenching and unbearable to work with him.

Tough guy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Actors in the case:

The main actors in the case and their traits are listed below:

Characters in the case Traits
Chip Mazey (vice president) ·         Non-empathetic

·         Threatening

·         Tight control over subordinates

·         Dissonance creator

·         Ruthless and carefree attitude

·         Do not listens no or ever listen with nonprofessional behavior

·         Humiliating behavior with subordinates without any reason

·         Self-motives prior than organization’s motives

·         Aggressive behavior.

·         Not acknowledge his mistakes.

·         Anti-change

·         Making personal statements portraying nonprofessional behavior.

Jeremy Frazer (subordinate associate) ·         Motivated

·         Energetic

·         Enthusiastic

·         Goal oriented

·         Compromising


The other actors in the case, are the team members who were involved with the Frazer in that deal, and those who has reported about the behavior of VC with them.

Leader or manager?

Leadership or management are the concepts that are not singly interpreted and applied. The same approach but entirely different criteria are defined, to determine whether a person is a manager or leader.

Firstly, it needs to determine the core characteristics of a manager and leader.

Manager Leader
Plan and perform Originate and motivate
Administrative work Innovative tasks
Maintain the Work Developmental progress
Controlling subordinates Gaining trust
Like status quo Accept challenges and changes.
Communicate without passion and empathy Passionate
Rigid flexible

From the above characteristics, it can be established that, the VC of Hudson investment bank falls under “manager” he is not a leader from anyway.The characteristics he possesses is not of a leader. The leader inspires and bring the innovation in the process of managing the company, listens to the subordinates, motivates them and rebuild the confidence when it is lost.

Where in the given case Mazey is totally opposite kind of person, the example of the Mazey’s behavior with his subordinates tells the whole story. He likes to rule and give dictations to his employees, without even listening to them and the facts prepared by his employees. He lacks professional behavior, one of the instances from the case, where he calls his secretary for work during unofficial hours, is the proof of his ruthlessness and disrespectful behavior. His torturing attitude and not giving due importance to the management team members and not taking care about their opinions.Even hurting their self-respect are some of the traits that lead, to lack the leadership qualities as well as moral, ethical values and professional behavior as well......................

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