During the years 1997 and 1999, a created city task force mounted several full scale terrorist attack exercises, but-despite the greatest of motives-seen all of them frustrating, demoralizing, and divisive, creating ill will between the first responders and the exercise planners. San Jose’ task force backed off and understood its situation. In place of traditional full-scale exercises, San Jose drew on several existing images to create a new "facilitated exercise" model that emphasized teaching over testing, and was much better received by first responders.
To teach flexibility correctly, the topic was split into three parts. It includes the reflections of the crisis providers in San Jose about the exercise model that is facilitated. It'd also be possible to hold a retrospective talk about how its issue was assessed and reacted to by San Jose, and assign pupils to read all three parts before class. Financing provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative. HKS Instance Number 1816.1
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE