A year after the launch TiVo - «revolutionary new personal TV service, which allows you to watch what you want when you want" - John Tebona, vice president of business development, is faced with important decisions about income TiVo models and strategic alliances. Straight off the TV from the network model to an interactive one, he had to decide what role TiVo will play in the new industry landscape. TiVo would only be a box or will live up to the vision revolutionized the experience of watching television? What revenue streams need to stress to capture most value? What strategic relationship should TiVo education at a time when the company was cross-investment in multiple technologies in different industries? How could expand their customer base and increase its revenue to competitors like Microsoft WebTV has become the default standard? "Hide
Mohanbir by Sonia, Sean Alex, Zack Gund, Lee Jacobek, Ted Kasten, Doug Kilponen, Andrew Malkin Source: Kellogg School Management 21 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 2002. Prod. #: KEL105-PDF-ENG