Cooperation among nation states- while still needed- is insufficient to cope with these problems, he says, describing how GSNs run. He also discusses his latest work on the opportunities presented by blockchain technology.
What if there were a next generation of the Internet, he inquires, where we could conduct peer-to-peer transactions-not just to swap information, but to exchange value and cash? We can't do that yet like a credit card company or PayPal - without a strong intermediary; but the Blockchain will make it -and much more-potential. Finally, he says, the first era of the digital age hasn't delivered on its promises. Through GSNs and the Blockchain, we'll have another opportunity to rewrite the economic order of things-and radically enhance the state of the world.
Thought Leader Interview Don Tapscott Case Study Solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE