THESIS Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

THESIS Case Solution 

Question 1

What is the current state of Outcome Based Education (OBE) and student Centered learning in Kabul (Afghanistan) based universities?


The educational administration around the world has gone through a range of transformations and major reforms in terms of its development as a result of the globalization models, trans formative models, and school based models, and community based models, decentralized sectoral models, centralized models and the neo-colonial models.
All of these reforms had always focused upon the accountability and the quality of the education system and the education administration and as a result of that the outcome based education models had stated to emerge in the 1990s(Cummings, 2005). Outcome based education is one of the most important educational model for its practical importance in real life.
As a result of the emergence of the outcome based education models, the educators around the world have been focusing upon the standards, competencies, performances, results and the ultimate goals which could only be achieved by acquiring education(Spady, 2003). The purpose of this question is to basically identify the state of the outcome based education in the Universities of Kabul and also the current state of the student centered learning.

Background of Education in Kabul Universities, Afghanistan

The education system of Afghanistan and specifically the educational universities in Kabul has been destroyed as a result of the decades of war. However, there are many schools which are also growing in numbers such as the Nahid Shahid School in Kabul which is capable and growing in order to meet the increased demand of the education and they are also enrolling more students as well as improving the facilities and rebuilding them.

The transformation in the system of education in Afghanistan is basically due to the support of the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, the World Bank and also due to the Education Quality Improvement Program which had been initiated by the Ministry of Education.The purpose of the government has been to restore the quality of education through quality grants especially for girls which had been destroyed as a result of the decades of war in the country(Foster, 2009).

It was in the year 2002 that the girls had been excluded from attending the schools and universities in Afghanistan and just about 900,000 boys attended the schools and universities altogether.This was the time when USAID, the government of Afghanistan and the donors across the international borders have joined hands in order to turn around the educational situation of the country. The first information technology associate’s degree had also been developed with the assistance of USAID at the Kabul Polytechnic University(Sharif, 2010).

With these strong efforts, the survey which was conducted in the tear 2013 had shown that around 72% of the total population of the country was satisfied with the learning materials, high quality, professional teachers and the methodologies which were being employed in the educational institutions in the country. As a result of these efforts, the enrollment of the students in the major universities of the country such as the Kabul Education University, Kabul Medical University, Kabul polytechnic University and the Kabul University has increased from 2800 in the year 2001 to 123,000 in 2013(Sharif, 2010).

Definition of Outcome Based Education

Outcome based education is simple the designing of the education system in a process of assessment, learning, teaching and curriculum design which focuses on what the students studying in the educational institutions can actually do. This focuses on what learning outcomes can be achieved by the students once they have been taught (Spady W. G., 1994). The learning outcomes are basically embraced through values, skills, attitudes, knowledge which would ultimately match with the cultural, economic and the socio environment of the society………………………

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