Wilbur (1867-1912) along with Orville (1871-1948) Wright were enthralled by the enigma of flight and they built on the notions of leading earlier figures for example Octave Chanute (1832-1910) the French-born American who was powerful in fostering the free exchange of ideas encircling aeronautics. Info exchange between practical tinkerers from across the earth resulted in a procedure of cumulative innovation unhindered by rivalry functioning through the intellectual property rights system.
Yet in 1903, the year the Wright Brothers attained controlled sustained flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, they applied for and were subsequently granted a US patent for a "flying-machine" which altered the business irreversibly. While the American producers sidetracked possessions from science and technology to patent wars and legal arguments, European aeronautics developed more rapidly.
The Wright Brothers and Their Flying Machines Case Study Solution
PUBLICATION DATE: December 08, 2010 PRODUCT #: 811034-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP