The University Of Wyoming Men’s Basketball Team Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The University Of Wyoming Men’s Basketball Team Case Solution

Develop a simulation model to predict total revenue for a single 16-game season. One variable in your simulation should be the team’s win percentage. The simulation model should be entered into a spreadsheet to facilitate multiple replications.

The simulation model is developed to predict the total revenue for the single 16 game season by assuming the win percentage in the simulation. The winning percentage is calculated by using the RAND BETWEEN formula for minimum and maximum win percentages of 32.3 percent and 64.3 percent, respectively. The single game ticket sold is calculated by multiplying the coefficient of each variable with each variable, including: win percentage, day and opponent. The revenue per game is calculated by multiplying the price of ticket of $12 with the single game ticket sold. The total revenues for a single 16-game season is calculated by adding the revenues for 16 seasons, hence resulting in $240268.

Assume Sparks’ projection for the team’s win percentage for the upcoming season is 0.500, approximately the average win percentage of the previous four seasons. Provide a forecast for total revenue for the season, assuming only the minimum number of home games will be played — eight conference games and eight non-conference games, each eight split evenly between weekends and weekdays. Your forecast should be based on at least 100 simulated seasons.

By assuming that projections of Sparks for the win percentage of win for the upcoming seasons is 0.5, the average win percentage of the prior 4 seasons, the forecast of the total revenues of the season is driven by assuming that half of 100 simulation is weekdays and remaining half is weekends. Also, the random coefficient are calculated by using the RAND BETWEEN formula, which uses the coefficient of day of 509 as a maximum value and 1 as minimum value. Thus, the ticket sold based on day is calculated by multiplying the random coefficient and day variable split into weekend and weekdays.

In the similar manner, the half of the 100 simulation is assumed to be the conference, and remaining half of 100 simulation is assumed to be non-conference. Also, the random coefficient are calculated by using the RAND BETWEEN formula, which uses the coefficient of opponent of 596as a maximum value and 1 as minimum value. Thus, the ticket sold based on opponent is calculated by multiplying the random coefficient and opponent variable split into conference and non-conference.

In addition to this, the winning percentage of all 100 simulation seasons is assumed to be 50 percent. Also, the random coefficient are calculated by using the RAND BETWEEN formula, which used the coefficient of win percentage of 2046 as a maximum value and 1 as minimum value. Thus, the ticket sold based on win percentage is calculated by multiplying the random coefficient and win percentage of 50 percent for all 100 simulation seasons. Furthermore, the random intercept is calculated for 100 simulation season by using RAND BETWEEN formula, which uses: -132 as minimum and 0 as maximum value. The total ticket sold is calculated by taking average of all ticket sold based on day, opponent, win percentage and intercept. The total ticket sold is 777.84; whereas, the revenue per game is calculated by multiplying the total ticket sold with the price of ticket of $12, resulting in $9334.08. The total revenue per season is multiplied with 16 games per season; hence,the total revenue for the season is $149345.28................

This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.

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