Experts did not agree on the function of the tax although the federal gasoline tax played multiple roles in funding surface transport infrastructure in the United States. Some contended that it was essentially a fee for users of the state’s federally supported highways. Others suggested that it should play a more prominent part in transportation policy by correcting for driving, and environmental, energy -related externalities.
Still others suggested that it should be used to reduce the federal budget deficit. Finally, the tax had remained at the same amount since 1993, and with the Highway Trust Fund essentially insolvent, many experts considered it was time for an increase. The case presents a background on the U.S. national gasoline tax, an overview of the market for gasoline in the United States, and survey of gasoline taxes in U.S. states as well as several other countries around the world.
The U.S. Federal Gasoline Tax Time for a Change Case Study SolutionThis is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION
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