Despite the interaction with other people on a regular basis, people vary widely in their willingness to trust. For some, trusting intention central to their concept of social self, but for others, the social world is second in its individually-motivated problems. Despite these differences, the external motivation (ie, tangible benefits that result from the trust) provides a strong motivation to establish mutual trust and / or mutually trusting response. The authors presented a model motivated attribution to explain the conditions under which the effect of trust is likely. One of the direct consequences of his model for individuals in potentially trust, to seriously consider the effect on their motivation, their relationships, their need to see themselves positively, and their inability to fully understand the perceptions of their colleagues.
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by Mark Weber, Deepak Malhotra, Keith Murnighan Source: Rotman School of Management, 5 pages. Publication Date: September 01, 2006. Prod. #: ROT030-PDF-ENG