When growing the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa, Florida, finds the key, the private land adjacent to "Campus" for sale, it moves quickly, without success, to persuade the owner to sell the land through a combination of long-term payment arrangements and select tax breaks . The owner of this approach makes the museum to consider a number of other options, ranging from partnerships with non-profit company to a request for financial assistance from the local government county, which already owned the land on which the previously-public museum was located. This case is used "Fowler Avenue land issue" as a window into the ways in which all of a sudden, individual solutions faced by non-profit boards of trustees are associated with great strategic and financial issues for the institution. MOSI Council should consider the long term prospects for his foundation, the question of acceptance of payments, even the question of the legality and effectiveness of the board members to lobby government officials. The case was developed with support from the Association of Trust Museum. HKS Case Number 1629.1 "Hide
by Howard Husock, Christine W. Letts 2 pages. Publication Date: October 30, 2001. Prod. #: HKS172-PDF-ENG