Managers use business intelligence to inform their decisions for many years. And while few companies can be categorized as being what innovation management and strategy expert Thomas Davenport called analytic competitors, "more and more companies are moving in that direction. What are the best practices of the most experienced project managers involved in the project business analysts work and how they would advise their less experienced colleagues? The authors found that the most important qualities can be divided into five areas: delivery and having an orientation bias for execution, seeing the value in use and the cost of training, working to get a commitment, on the basis of intellectual experimentation, and promote intelligent use of information technology. While many project managers, analysts, the report surveyed IT department, they identify themselves with the business side of the organization. Best-in-class CIOs understand that IT and business can not afford to continue to be at loggerheads with each other. IT must be able to deliver faster cycles of implementation, maintenance and architectural process enough care to ensure quality and professional support. "Hide
by Stijn Viaene, Annabel van den Bunder Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 5 pages. Publication Date: 01 Oct 2011. Prod. #: SMR404-PDF-ENG