This case is set in the radio cabs industry in a developing country (India).
Introduced in India in 2000, the concept of radio taxis took off just around 2006-2007 when the sector was entered by Meru Cabs. Since then, the business has developed rapidly with several startups entering the market owing to its enormous potential for increase. The tactical and operational decisions made by these firms play a leading role in deciding their future as they vie for the same group of customers and motorists in somewhat similar cities across India (with some firms planning overseas growth). There are just two crucial operating models followed by companies in the radio taxi industry - the ''owner operator model'' and the ''aggregator model''. The cases investigate the benefits and consequences of picking either of both versions in addition to trigger a debate on adoption of a "hybrid model".
The Radio Cab Industry in India (August 2014) Case Study Solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE