For the past 12 months, a leading pharmaceutical company had rolled out an extensive group of breakthrough and ethnic changes lean-process actions which were instigated by the demand to cut almost 25% of costs across its crucial global generation facilities.
The cultural changes and breakthrough lean-process actions called for competitive actions, and business leaders believed that the business’s cost reduction goal could only be achieved through operational transformation, in a three-prong strategy incorporating direction behavior and direction infrastructure changes that complimented the skimpy initiatives rolled out in the 24 manufacturing operating systems of its more than 40 international sites. A senior leader charged with heading up this effort that is international programs a meeting with her lead contact from the external advisory firm hired to help with all the design and initial execution of a price decrease to go over the roadblocks they both had encountered at their least successful website.
The Perfect Storm A Low-Performing Biotech Plant Case Study SolutionPUBLICATION DATE: January 20, 2012 PRODUCT #: UV6034-HCB-ENG
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