Cooper had gained considerably from the loaded mentorship that Standard's creator, Alan Kirkpatrick, supplied. The confidence grew to completely use his potential and afterwards made a decision to leave his own consulting company to be incorporated by Standard.
Cooper was concerned about the reaction he would receive before announcing his decision to Kirkpatrick to leave standard. Kirkpatrick stayed quite supportive of the choice to leave and consented to become Cooper's first client, while troubled by the loss to the Standard of Cooper's skill and talent. Through the growth period of his new firm, Cooper constantly reflected on the impact that Kirkpatrick's' sway had on his own decision making. He ultimately realized the important positive value that Kirkpatrick's mentorship had confered upon him when he revisited the school for an MBA and classmates would advance him for guidance and compliment him on his professionalism and penetrations.
The Mentorship of John Cooper (B) case study solution
PUBLICATION DATE: February 13, 2012 PRODUCT #: W12702-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE