The relentless advance of information technology recently means that a key task of the company manager is to survive after another with one wave of IT initiations. At just about any particular time, an executive is probably going to feel more or less inundated by a present wave, unsure of what all the commotion is all about, unable to prevent the subject in conversation and yet funny that the latest "killer app" may be largely hype. Is there a better way? An important feature of IT innovations, the author notes, is that enactment is frequently costly, time consuming and highly problematic.
The author in addition points out the speed at which significance is achieved by means of an IT invention is likely to peak long after the community's attention to the first organizing vision has dissipated. Consequently, managers have to discriminate carefully between the focus an IT initiation receives and real adoption, enactment and value gained from its use. Understanding these dynamics more clearly can lead executives to make better decisions about which "waves" to catch and which to let roll by.
The Manager's Guide to IT Innovation Waves case study solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about TECHNOLOGY & OPERATIONS