In January 1997, the Rhode Island Department of Health opened KIDSNET, attempt to use the potential of information technology to ensure that all children in the state received appropriate preventive care. Medical “science” The system is designed to monitor key health data, such as immunization and make it available to health care providers and public health programs across the state. “Informatics”, in other words, is to improve children’s health, ensuring that any doctor or emergency room in the state can quickly and easily become aware of key aspects of the medical history of each child. The system had to be fully operational by 2000. The marriage of computer records and public health does not go smoothly, however, and in late 1999, the consultant found that the system was “grossly insufficient.” KIDSNET following the vaccination, but for 43 percent of children, and only 31 percent of hospitals and doctors’ offices in Rhode Island was the presentation of immunization data. HKS Case Number 1800.0 “Hide
by Jonathan Schlefer, Marty Linsky 14 pages. Publication Date: September 27, 2005. Prod. #: HKS470-PDF-ENG
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