In March 2003, the U.S.-led coalition forces waged war on Iraq. After a few months, President George W. Bush declared "Mission Accomplished." However, five years after, in 2008, America and other coalition forces stay in Iraq and are facing fatal accidents and increased violence. This case studies the U.S. government's engagement in Iraq over the last four years and offers a brief background of the struggle. Next, it examines the statements made by the U.S. government to explain the goal and aim of the war to the American people and the international community. The case describes the improvement of the war as well as the U.S. government's reply to that improvement. The case is used to exemplify the ways in which ambiguous outcomes (the war in Iraq) are experienced by and reacted to by celebrities (the U.S. government). This case was developed to address two related problems at business schools we teach students about success more than we teach them about failure.
The Iraq War Case case study solution
The principal notion of this theory is that although the success/failure dichotomy of assessing organizational functionality is consequently, appealing and not complex, organizational life doesn't consistently comply with these classes.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE