The Internationalization of Television, Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Case Solution
Report A recognizes and takes a look at essential problems and future organisation chances in the primary cable and satellite television markets. Areas 1 and 2 focus on the owning forces behind the 'globalization' of television, the 'brand-new media' (cable and satellite), and the internationalization of programs. Areas 3-10 concentration on the present status of the European cable and satellite TELEVISION market, taking into account penetration rates.
Pedagogical Goals:
To fulfill the requirements of anybody wanting to familiarize themselves with advancements in the cable and satellite television market. It may be utilized as: history product for case writing; class task as background product for a case; an intro to the problems and advancements in this quickly progressing market.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about Strategy
published: 01 Jan 1993