The Global Networks Company (GNC), headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, made its international footprint in India in 1994 by establishing a presence in Bangalore. Name recognition grew from its contracts with India's authorities to help develop national networks although largely a sales support office. Not quite 20 years later, GNC solicited a supervisor from the Boston office, Jim Notrika, to create and manage GNC's first international software centre in Mumbai and determined to further invest in India. Divide between Boston and Mumbai, the project team successfully finished several minor jobs, but only months into its first major job, the team was struggling to meet deadlines.
The Global Software Team Jugaad Needed case study solution
Attribute was being passed in both directions, and Notrika makes an emergency trip to Mumbai to better understand the problem, when three gifted engineers in Mumbai cease. This case describes three common cross-cultural communication challenges in teams: a preference for direct versus indirect confrontation of problems; a clash of collectivist versus individualistic cultural values associated with reporting bad news or giving negative feedback; and distinct expectations of team leaders based on power-space values.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT