The Global Oil Industry and Latin America Case Solution
This industry note evaluates the global oil and gas market with a specific concentrate on Brazil and Latin America. It examines the growth of this industry in between 1997 and 2010, when oil rates and creation broadened greatly. It likewise takes a look at the petroleum industry worth chain in addition to the marketplace for chemical treatment product or services for the sector.
Pedagogical Objectives:
The industry note supplies background info on: 1) The oil and gas industry with a specific concentrate on Brazil and Latin America. 2) Operators: the so called ‘majors’, the nationwide oil business and the independents along with product and services and devices companies. 3) The market for chemical treatment product or services The note can be utilized as background info for the ‘Poland Qu mica’ case.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about Strategy
published: 28 Sep 2011
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