The Effect of ineffective Organizational justice on lack of NCAA coaches and Assistant football coaches Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The Effect of ineffective Organizational justice on lack of NCAA coaches and Assistant football coaches Case Study Solution

Organizational Justice in intercollegiate athletics

According to  (Cunningham, 2015), there are two interesting findings that have depicted the difference or the perceived fairness in athletic organization. The studies found the difference among the position of the individual in the athletic organization with relation to the perception of fairness in the intercollegiate athletics. The other tidy has focused on the consistency of the athletic positions and the practice that has been most fair.

According to  (Kim, 2015), the distributive justice is the most effective and more practiced in managing the work efficiency of the in the athletic association. Also, it has been found that the divisional differences occurred in the organization areas sometime examined under the lens of Perception of need.

Moreover,  (MacKinnon, C, 2013) suggested that the difference in the organization justice and the perception have been generated due to the gender. According to the study, the females athletes and the coaches tends to emphasize the justice based on equality while the males focus on the level of contribution to the program. Such difference in terms of perceiving the organizational justice in athletics organizations indicates the need for the further study to evaluate the effect of each gender on the level of organizational justice.

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction refers to the evaluation of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral element of the job responsibilities assigned to the individual in an organization. The Job satisfaction can be understood under four bias areas (1) background (2) job satisfaction theories (3) facets of job satisfaction and (4) consequences of job satisfaction.

According to  (Eberlin R. , 2008), job satisfaction is a strong dependent factor for the organizational success. The organization needs to address the requirements of the individual employees in order to make them perform smoothly, leading to high productivity and ultimate performance. However, the invalidation of the organization to meet or drive the motivation by satisfying the needs leads to grudges, effecting the performance.

According to  (Gillham, 2015), there are different factors that effects the need fulfillment strategy of the organization. Race, color, ethnicity cultural bias are termed as the major factors for the different policies or action of organization in addressing the needs of the employee in the organization. Such can also be seen in the athlete association, where the white players and coaches have access the top positions with little effort, whereas there is a  requirement of great scrutiny and efforts for blacks to reach the same position.

It has been found that the organizational politics tends to be a factor affecting the elevation of the different race like white in the organization especially in the sport organization. Such is due to the wide exposure and representation of people through one leader (black) effecting the cultural depiction or even prohibiting the pursuance of certain gestures and jargon within the team or organization.

Though  (Cooper K. , 2014), the sport teams and association should have a common culture and setting to manage the teams irrespective of the culture and ethnic background of the coach, however, the color and ethnic background effect the perception of the team and the stakeholders.


The particular chapter discusses the methods of the study research that will be implied in order to gauge the effect of the dependent variable on independent variables. In the given study, the dependent variable are the number of coaches and assistant coaches from minorities and the independent variable is organizational Justice.

Nature of research

In this research, the exploratory approach has been used to understand the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. It is due to the easy understanding and development of the hypothesis that would allow to find the right act and draw the conclusion.

In addition to this, the qualities research technique has been used in this research in order to get the findings. Since there is no concrete quantitative data the variables available on, the qualitative research will allow to create relationship through the qualitative findings.

Type of research

The research is primary in nature. The data is collected from the coaches and assistant coaches who have worked in different association. The prime focus will be on the coaches who have been fired or given resignation from their positions. Also, the African Americans and other minorities will be targeted for the research such as women and coaches from other ethnic backgrounds such as Latin Americans, Asians and South Asians etc.

Targeted population

The target population for the current study are the male and female coaches or the assistant coaches who have been fired or have resigned from the NCAA or other association, aging from 34 – 45 year, with stable family system. It comprises of coaches from other ethnicities, if found, to collect the data.

Sampling Technique

In the given research, Random sampling technique will be used with convenience sampling. Such will enable the researcher to manage the sample size and its effect on the model, due to limited time.

Data Collection process

In the given research, the survey technique has been implied foe which the telephonic, email and phone medium are used to collect the response. In addition, the survey monkey platform has been implied to collect the diverse data from a single point.

Data collection instrument

In the given research, questionnaire is used as the data collection tool. During the framing and structuring of the questionnaire, the ease of language and the consistency with the topic is ensured to attain the best responses.


The implication of the study are as follows:

  1. It will allow the managers to understand the effect of organizational justice on the retention ratio of the coaches in the organization and allow them to understand the undermining factors such as racism, discrimination and gender brassiness which have affected the sports organization in past.
  2. In addition, this particular study will enable the general reader to understand the effect of the job satisfaction and job environment on the performance of the employees, which would allow the HR manger and the vision makers to consider these factors while addressing diversity in the organization.
  3. Also, the particular study will allow the general readers, mangers, policy makers and stakeholders to transform the viewpoint regarding the capabilities and skill of the different ethnic background individuals. Leading to the development of more flexible system and training programs, hence improving the performance of the company.
  4. Lastly, the particular research explains the underlying factors that have been neglected in the past researches to find the relationship between the organizational justice and lacking number of coaches in the sport organization, hence making the topic more understandable………..


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