Agricultural Business Unit International Corporation is considering seven-year IT initiatives among rural Indian farmers. Suitable for students at all levels, the case is perfect for modules on strategic change, transformational change in the value chain, and development at the bottom of the pyramid. It also provides an excellent understanding of how corporations can improve both profits and way of life in developing countries, while strengthening their competitiveness worldwide. E-Choupal initiative provides access to the Internet to connect and unite farmers, teaching them more efficient farming methods and strategies wholesaler reporting. In the event that the company will expand the initiative across the country? Given the size of India and the various challenges, the expansion will not be an easy task. "Hide
by S. Venkataraman, Anne-Laure Thiemele, Jenny Mead, Alexander Horniman Source: Darden School of Business 19 pages. Publication Date: 06 June, 2009. Prod. #: UV1977-PDF-ENG