With information technology (IT) becoming ever more ubiquitous and enveloping, the ensuing deluge of data is driving a tide of digital disruption. No industry, it appears, is immune, and company operation is increasingly determined by investments in technology that generate real business advantages and the successful use of IT. Yet research continues to report that almost all of these investments do not pay off as expected. Blame for such scenarios is typically placed at the feet of the Chief Information Officer (CIO).
Some commentators have even proposed that it's now time to replace the CIO function with that of CDO (Chief Digital Officer). This line of thinking ignores the built-in organizational dynamics which lead to the derailment of the executive in charge of IT; just altering the job title will not fix the issue. This article utilizes the research conducted over the path of 8 years to elucidate reasons what the CEO and they can do to avoid this consequence, and why CIO leaders are derailed. Reasons for derailment are presented in detail, and prescriptive advice is given for CIOs and CEOs alike seeing the best way to address causes of executive failure in leading the digital transformation of organizations.
The dynamics of CIO derailment How CIOs come undone and how to avoid it case study solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about TECHNOLOGY & OPERATIONS