Exponential development in computer equipment is one of three fundamental forces enabling what the writers call 'The Second Machine Age'. They describe how innovation is being propelled by vast quantities of strong-but-inexpensive devices (smartphones), each equipped with numerous chips, sensors and transmitters. They describe how services like Waze just became possible in recent years due to cost declines and accumulated digital power increases.
Information are the lifeblood of science, they claim, and as a result, the second force powering the Second Machine age is digitization, which increases understanding by making tremendous amounts of information easily reachable. As a result of the first two forces, a fresh fashion of innovation has emerged that adds detector and societal information to an existent system, considerably increasing its power and utility. This approach to initiation is the third and last of the forces shaping the Second Machine Age.
The Digitization of Just About Everything case study solution
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