The Case of Pink Power Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Statement of case problem

            The major problem that has been identified in the case “The Power of pink” indicates that the management or the senior leadership has been quite concerned about the increasing conflicts about the element of diversity within the NGO. The differences amongst the leadership of the NGO have been creating quite a lot of issues internally. The NGO has to work on diversity to remove increasing issues.

Internal and external analysis


            Based on the case study, the cultural diversity has been the main cause of concern at the NGO. African American and White American have been the major cultures that have been prevalent at the NGO. This has been a major cause of conflict for the management where the two cultures within the company are against each other. The overall situation has been a competing situation within the NGO. The employees competing one another and not actually being able to work together are a cause of concern for the leadership at the NGO.

Win-Lose Strategy:

            At the moment, the NGO and its employees are more focused on following the win-lose strategy. The employees are looking to outplay one another by pointing loopholes of each other. This has been a major cause of concern within the Pink Power NGO. Since the management has been unable to ensure that the employees follow win-win strategy, therefore the issues have been created amongst the management of the NGO.

Alternative Analysis

To overcome the issue that has been presented in the case, the leadership should follow the below alternatives.


            The first alternative is to overcome the issue by creating an environment where all the leaders follow the compromising conflict resolution approach. By following this strategy, the management would be able to make all the team members present their issues with another and find a common ground where none of them shall be neglected and in fact a middle way is figured out.  The disadvantage of this alternate is that it would be time consuming and it would affect the fundraising program.

Training sessions:

            The second alternate for the issue presented in the case is to conduct training sessions for the employees. During the training sessions the employees should be made to become flexible and also make them learn the importance of working as a team. Once they would be made aware of the benefits and make them cooperate with one another, the issue of increasing issues of diversity. The disadvantage of this alternative is that it would increase the expenses for the NGO.


            The third alternative for the management to actually ensure that the diversity issues at work place are reduced is to recognize and acknowledge employees who are performing better than the rest without being bias to a specific culture. This recognition should be given on the fund that he/she raises, but in fact how he handles himself at work, his attitude and behavior with others. The disadvantage of this alternative is that it would be a time taking process which needs to be handled without being biased.



            Based on the issue presented in the case, the recommended solution for the management shall be to make the employees abide by the compromising win – win conflict resolution approach. If the employees are made to work where all the diverse populations are given the importance, the overall issue of diversity shall be removed and eliminated.

            By doing so, Pink Power would be able to give due importance to each member of the team such as the White Americans and the African Americans. Moreover, the NGO being a part of a very noble cause needs to play its part without being biased to a certain community. This would help the NGO overcome diversity issues and issues related to inclination towards one specific community......................

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